Editorial guidelines

At OwnHome we provide news, insights, practical guides and expert analysis to help you master your personal finances. Our content is filled with information to help you find the best product for your needs.
To help do this, we follow editorial guidelines that focus on accuracy, reliability and timeliness. Wherever possible, this information is supported by easy-to-use comparison tables and calculators, with the goal of arming you, our readers, with everything you need to make better informed decisions.

OwnHome’s editorial mission is to provide home buying information that’s easy to understand and, most importantly, accurate. We don’t use complicated financial terminology or industry jargon. Instead, we focus on the facts, checked by a team of industry experts - mortgage brokers, buyer’s agents, real estate agents, lawyers, conveyancers, property investors, first home buyers and many other experienced professionals - dedicated to bringing you the right information when you need it.

To help do this, we follow editorial guidelines that focus on accurate, reliable and timely information supported by credible sources. Wherever possible, this information is supported by easy-to-use tools such as comparison tables and calculators, with the goal of arming you, our readers, with everything you need to make better informed decisions.

Our editorial values

Our editorial values match our company values.
Relationships over transactions: help others.
Lead with trust: offer clear information from reputable sources.
Anti-fragile: we’re building a robust and long-term focused journal.
Authenticity: no tricks, catches or hidden information.
Customer-first: we’re in your corner.

Our review process

As part of our commitment to being accurate and dependable, all of our content is internally reviewed by an editor. More detailed and in-depth pieces are typically approved by a subject matter expert or our compliance lead, as necessary. Our editing and review process means that every piece of editorial content is fact-checked and held up to our editorial standards.

Some of our content may include referrals to external parties where we’ve deemed it useful and appropriate. Where this is the case, referral links are clearly marked and that content goes through a strict compliance review process before publishing to ensure it meets our standards for accuracy, fairness and transparency.

Accuracy and corrections

We do our best to make sure every piece of editorial content we publish is as accurate and complete as possible. We know that buying a home, getting help with your finances, investigating your home loan or considering a deposit boost option is an important part of our readers’ lives, and we take that responsibility very seriously. If you see anything on the site that warrants further checking, please feel free to contact us.