The ultimate moving house checklist

There is a lot to remember, including changing subscriptions, moving your providers and getting mail redirected to your new address.
Erin Howell
Written by
Erin Howell
Imogen Baxter
Reviewed by
Imogen Baxter
Last updated
May 17, 2024
0 minute read
Table of contents
Couple unpacking and looking at a photo album

Buying a new home is a massive achievement, but after the long process of buying a home and getting your first home loan, it can be overwhelming to start packing, moving and unpacking.

We get it, it’s tough!

There is a lot to remember including changing subscriptions, moving your providers and getting mail redirected to your new address. Remembering all of these things is almost impossible and remembering what you did last time you move seems like a distant memory!

This moving house checklist will have you covered, so you can focus on moving, knowing you haven’t missed anything!

Locking in your move date

When you purchase a home, you will know your settlement date as well as the dates when you can start to move. If you are getting cleaners in or new carpets laid, this can put a hold on your move date, but it is important to lock this in early so you can get ready for the big day!

Here are some tips that you should do as soon as you know the date!

  • Lock in Professional Removalists and moving trucks. It is best to pick a moving company that has insurance to ensure all of your belongings are in safe hands.
  • Understand the process of getting your keys from the real estate agent and when you can do this. Settlements often happen in the afternoon. So some people pick up their keys and clean the place/move some items at night and schedule their removalist for the next day.
  • Set aside the time to pack and unpack. Packing takes a long time so it is great to have a plan for what you won’t need, so you can start packing straight away. Unpacking is also hard as you need to find new places for items and get comfortable with your new home.
  • Make sure you get all of the things you need to pack. Having your packing supplies at hand will ensure a smooth process. This includes tape, boxes, labels, fragile items, packing materials, and bubble wrap.

Lead up to the move-in day (4 weeks out)

As you are packing slowly in the lead-up to your move-in day, remember these tips and things to do about 4 weeks out from your move-in day:

  • Moving is a great time to declutter - host a garage sale or donate items to charities. This way you aren’t taking items you don’t use to your new home.
  • Organise a babysitter or family member to help support you if you have kids or pets that you may need help with when you are moving. This will help you to be able to move quickly and not worry about little hands and paws.
  • Check out your new area and move anything you won’t have access to anymore. This includes transferring medical records to your new doctor, moving your gym and local memberships and scoping out new places to do your shopping.
  • Plan out how your furniture will look with your new floor plan and label boxes accordingly to make the move day easier. You may have to move away from your current layout to fit into your new place. Preparing for this will help you on move-in day.
  • Organise an end-of-lease or move-out cleaner for your old house. This is an essential step, especially if you are renting, to ensure you get your bond back.
  • Complete change of address forms for important documents like; electoral commission, your license and registration, insurance documents, bills and postage. You can also set up a mail redirect with Australia Post.
  • Check out the rules around bin days and rubbish collection with your new local council. This is good to know for your move-in week and beyond. Scouting out your new area will help you feel organised when you move.

The week before move in

The week before moving out and moving in can be busy! It is important to check these tasks but also create your own lists that pop up as you think of things. This can help you feel organised and on top of your move.

  • Check with your utility providers that everything is ready to be switched on at your new home. Make sure that your utilities overlap, so you have time to move out and move into your new place. You don’t want to find yourself without hot water for a few days! Service providers will be able to help you with timelines.
  • Keep your essential clothes, items and toiletries out, these are things you will still need right up until you move. They can be packed in a bag and are easy to take, but make sure they aren’t at the bottom of a box!
  • Organise any last-minute support from family and friends. Many hands make light work. Thank them later with a drink or dinner at your new home!
  • Check your insurance policies are in order and organised for the move. Make sure your update your contents insurance and get home insurance for your new place!
  • Use up all of the food in your fridge and freezer to minimise waste and things you need to move on your moving day. Perishables are hard to move, so it’s best to use as many as possible!

Moving Day

The big day is here!

  • On the morning of your move-in day, unplug your fridge to let your freezer defrost and other large appliances like your washing machine to get them ready for removalists.
  • Keep your important documents in a safe place. Make sure you know where they are so you can refer to them if you need to, and so they don’t get lost amongst packers and movers.
  • Move your valuables first or keep them in a location you can keep an eye on. This can help you feel at ease as doors are open on your move-in day and many people are in and out of your space.
  • Keep chargers and important keys and documents nearby. Anything you might need should be in one place and accessible.

Our last two moving tips are:

  • Double-check your list and old home on your way out to make sure you haven’t left anything behind or left after taps or electrical items on.
  • And lastly, enjoy your big day and first night in your new home. Make sure you celebrate the achievement!

This guide should support you to have a stress-free move-in day, without the hassle of thinking you have missed something or forgotten something in your old home.

Remember to have fun and enjoy the moving process and get ready to make new memories in your new house!


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This article is intended to be general in nature and is not personal financial product advice. It does not take into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs. In particular, you should seek independent financial advice and read the relevant product disclosure statement (PDS), or other offer documents before making an investment decision in relation to a financial product (including a decision about whether to acquire or continue to hold).
Prepared by OwnHome Services Pty Ltd ACN 664 492 059. This information does not take your personal objectives, circumstances or needs into account. Always read the disclosure documents for products and services before deciding on a product or service, and consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice for your unique circumstances.

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